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Signal Rotation

Moves a signal earlier in time (negative) or later (positive) by the given number of whole samples.

This function can shift time domain signals so they can be better compared visually. Alternatively, it can be used to Time-align digital crossovers.


This example is a 3-way Neville Thiele crossover. Use Generate > Crossover to create them and look at their behavior in the time domain below:

Zoms in to the peaks in the time window: they all lie exactly above one another. If the peaks are marked with the left and right mouse buttons ….

… You can see in the window on the right that the peak is at the exact time center of the filter. (Filter length 65536/2 = 32768) Depending on the curve selected by the radio buttons the position of the peak of the filter in the time domain can be seen.

Now Choose e.g. the tweeter, (XO3) … and „pushes“ it with Signal Rotation in time +4 samples later. (1 sample at 48kHz = 3.57mm at the speed of sound in air)

To check, the sample number of the peak ​​can be read next to the time-window.

en/wiki/funktionen/td-functions/rotation.txt · Last modified: 13/07/2016 19:31 by hamish

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